Friday, July 30, 2010

light is like water

Strange yet wonderful cover art by gali erez for Gabriel Garcia Marquez's short story, La Luz es como el Agua or Light is Like Water. (Excerpt below)

Pues habían abierto tantas luces al mismo tiempo que la casa se había rebosado, y todo el cuarto año elemental de la escuela de San Julián el Hospitalario se había ahogado en el piso quinto del número 47 del Paseo de la Castellana. En Madrid de España, una ciudad remota de veranos ardientes y vientos helados, sin mar ni río, y cuyos aborígenes de tierra firme nunca fueron maestros en la ciencia de navegar en la luz.
For they had turned on so many lights at the same time that the apartment had flooded, and two entire classes at the elementary school of Saint Julian the Hospitaler drowned on the fifth floor of 47 Paseo de la Castellana. In Madrid, Spain, a remote city of burning summers and icy winds, with no ocean or river, whose land-bound indigenous population had never mastered the science of navigating on light. 
Read the whole story here.


  1. I remember reading this in Spanish while I was in Madrid. It really blew me away. Something about the imagery of it and the hint of magical realism throughout--it made something so typically horrific and deadly sound sublime.
